Monday, April 15, 2013

Thoughts on a Day Scarred

Posted by Erin Mansfield

An event to participate and cheer
Turned sour and filled with fear
In a moment that fell out of sync
Like a dream or a nightmare
And thoroughly changed lives

The confusion, the pain, the loss
The shock that gave way to tears
The heroic acts of those near
And the spoken and silent prayers

To live with those haunting memories
To have lost loved ones so dear,
To face frightening injuries so severe

Let us remember to continue to care
For many are scarred for a lifetime
A moment in the shadow darkens lives
Yet thoughtful love and caring hearts
May bring light into the darkest nights

We can't change what has been done
And so we need to lend a shoulder
To give a hand, a listening ear
To watch out and care for each other

We must not forget the many lives
Filled with sorrow and pain today
As well as each and every other day

To face such fear, such pain
Takes love, takes patience, takes time
For tears fall more abundant than rain
Yet love shines brighter than the sun