Monday, March 18, 2013

Escaping the Shade

Posted by Erin Mansfield

A shade seeps into the day
It lays unnoticed at first,
But by the very end,
When the mind is strained
And the body is worn thin,
It hangs thick in the air
It overwhelms the senses
And irritates every sensibility
Till one starts to believe
That it is the very taste,
The very essence of life,
Gone sour beyond recognition

So muddled and jaded by it's presence,
The mind seeks only to wallow in misery
Taking the poison as the cure,
One steeps within the tar
And the shade feeds

This, my friend, is an avoidable condition
I myself, do know the cure
But when lost within
It's hard to stop
For a mind becomes so baffled, so blind
That one enjoys pain
But love causes only anguish
To escape this shade
Surrender to love
And let go of yourself
However painful that may be
Trust not what you feel
But be tender towards others